“Unless we put medical freedom into the
Constitution, the time will come when
medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men
and deny equal privileges to others;
the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well
as religious freedom.” ― Benjamin Rush,
signer of Declaration of Independence
Big Brother has shown a heavier hand in the health sector this year.
First came ONE MORE (DPT) booster shot for 7th to 9th graders. The drug pushers even get help from local government. I appeared before the Marin Board of Supervisors to oppose their pushing of the drug pushing, to no avail.
Then came a big push for pregnant women to get the flu shot.
Then came the fight for AB2109, for which I appeared twice in Sacramento to oppose. We lost. Before this law, a parent had the right to just sign a paper to get their kids out of some or all vaccinations. As it was, this was kept a virtual secret. Most parents were taken in by the public lie, "No shots, no school." Still, I was proud of Marin County, which has the highest rate of non-compliance in the state, 7.9% vs. the statewide average of 1/2%. Anyway, AB2109 now forces parents to spend time and money to go to the pediatrician to beg for the exemption, while being exposed to lies and intimidation.
Further expansion of the grand pushing of the flu shot.
Lastly, with the coming implementation of Obamacare, you will see many future intrusions of Big Brother into how you live your life.
While we still have some freedom left, THINK, and stand up for what makes sense, recognizing that health does not come from Outside-in, from drugs (including vaccinations) or surgeries. health comes only from Above-down, Inside-out. This is what Chiropractic is based upon.
Don Harte, D.C.
Authentic Chiropractor in Marin
Liberator of Innate