We are now at that very American holiday, Thanksgiving, celebrating abundance, and giving thanks.
While we are consuming extra-large amounts of turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pie, etc, you might contemplate the process of digestion. It is not just complicated. It is truly amazing.
The saying, "You are what you eat," is wrong. You are what you do with what you eat. Therefore, those of you who are Practice Members, who have less interference, less subluxation to the digestive system, will digest better than the subluxated masses.
More on digestion in January, in the zine, THE HARTE OF HEALTH.
Don Harte, D.C.
Corte Madera straight chiropractor
Slayer of Subluxation
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Yes, the nervous system is the Master System. It runs everything in the body... heart, reproductive organs, liver, kidneys, immune system, circulation, etc. It also runs itself. What do I mean, and where is this going?
Sadly, many of my colleagues live up to the low expectations of a medically-propagandized public, who sees chiropractors, at worst as quacks (which is why I have my one-eyed Pennsylvania duck in the front office), and as treaters of minor back pain at best. Of course, most people continue to believe this nonsense because so many chiropractors practice in this manner.
Back to reality. Real, or who is referred to as "straight" chiropractors, are not back doctors or pain doctors. We deal with the nervous system, specifically, with the detection, analysis and correction of interference to the function of the nervous system, Vertebral Subluxation.
Given the popular misconception, vs. reality, people tend to get confused. They are shocked that people come to me and get well from some rather terrible, "lifetime" conditions including diabetes, heart disease, various auto-immune diseases. (No, I do not treat any of these disease or conditions. I remove cause, and the body is free to heal itself.) Basically, their emotional reaction is that this chiropractor (me) is too "uppity." Well... tough!
It gets really confusing for people when they hear of people coming to me, or other straight chiropractors, and gfetting well from actual nervous system conditions... multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, unnamed tremors, vertigo, depression, anxiety, etc. Well, the nervous system does control itself. Vertebral subluxation anywhere in the spine can and will effect brain and nervous system function. (The most critical areas are the upper cervical, the very tip of the neck, and the coccyx, the tailbone.)
Remove interference, and all is possible. Or, you could just "live with it," like you'ven been told to do.
Don Harte, D.C.
Corte Madera straight chiropractor
Liberator of Innate
Slayer of Subluxation
Sadly, many of my colleagues live up to the low expectations of a medically-propagandized public, who sees chiropractors, at worst as quacks (which is why I have my one-eyed Pennsylvania duck in the front office), and as treaters of minor back pain at best. Of course, most people continue to believe this nonsense because so many chiropractors practice in this manner.
Back to reality. Real, or who is referred to as "straight" chiropractors, are not back doctors or pain doctors. We deal with the nervous system, specifically, with the detection, analysis and correction of interference to the function of the nervous system, Vertebral Subluxation.
Given the popular misconception, vs. reality, people tend to get confused. They are shocked that people come to me and get well from some rather terrible, "lifetime" conditions including diabetes, heart disease, various auto-immune diseases. (No, I do not treat any of these disease or conditions. I remove cause, and the body is free to heal itself.) Basically, their emotional reaction is that this chiropractor (me) is too "uppity." Well... tough!
It gets really confusing for people when they hear of people coming to me, or other straight chiropractors, and gfetting well from actual nervous system conditions... multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, unnamed tremors, vertigo, depression, anxiety, etc. Well, the nervous system does control itself. Vertebral subluxation anywhere in the spine can and will effect brain and nervous system function. (The most critical areas are the upper cervical, the very tip of the neck, and the coccyx, the tailbone.)
Remove interference, and all is possible. Or, you could just "live with it," like you'ven been told to do.
Don Harte, D.C.
Corte Madera straight chiropractor
Liberator of Innate
Slayer of Subluxation
Thursday, November 18, 2010
A few nights ago, I went to CVS to buy some detergent. I saw a teenage boy walking in with his father. the boy was clearly autistic, softly growling instead of talking. Why? Why this tragedy of this boy's life, that extends to his whole family? Was this tragedy preventable? YES!
What is needed for the prevention of autism? No, we don't need to run or walk for "The Cure." We need to eliminate the cause. Serial vaccination. Flood a child's veins with known neurotoxins (including mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde), and it should be no surprise that you end up with neurological damage.
Rage? My rage is against the pediatricians that push this upon unsuspecting parents, parents who want healthy and happy kids. Their Holy Grail, serial vaccinations (serial? dozens!), is a destroyer of lives. What did Hippocrates say? "Primum nocerum." "First, do no harm."
Don Harte, D.C.
Marin straight chiropractor
Liberator of Innate
What is needed for the prevention of autism? No, we don't need to run or walk for "The Cure." We need to eliminate the cause. Serial vaccination. Flood a child's veins with known neurotoxins (including mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde), and it should be no surprise that you end up with neurological damage.
Rage? My rage is against the pediatricians that push this upon unsuspecting parents, parents who want healthy and happy kids. Their Holy Grail, serial vaccinations (serial? dozens!), is a destroyer of lives. What did Hippocrates say? "Primum nocerum." "First, do no harm."
Don Harte, D.C.
Marin straight chiropractor
Liberator of Innate
straight chiropractor,
Friday, November 12, 2010
Why is it that the powers that be,,, the PMG (Pharmaceutical-Medical-Governmental) Complex makes restaurants post signs about the dangers of mercury from eating certain fish, yet it is perfectly safe when they are selling the mercury, via their dangerous vaccines?
And those cute "environmentally-friendly" curlicue flourescent bulbs? Break one, and you'll get a nice dose of mercury, too. But "They" say that it' OK.
Think for yourself. Get adjusted, and a nice side effect is that you will likely think better. And, whatever poisons you have been exposed to, a body with a better-functioning nervous system will have a better chance to deal with those poisons more effectively.
Don Harte, D.C.
Corte Madera straight chiropractor
Liberator of Innate
And those cute "environmentally-friendly" curlicue flourescent bulbs? Break one, and you'll get a nice dose of mercury, too. But "They" say that it' OK.
Think for yourself. Get adjusted, and a nice side effect is that you will likely think better. And, whatever poisons you have been exposed to, a body with a better-functioning nervous system will have a better chance to deal with those poisons more effectively.
Don Harte, D.C.
Corte Madera straight chiropractor
Liberator of Innate
Monday, November 8, 2010
Is Wellness weird?
Wellness is a word that is in vogue; however, it is not only misunderstood, it is roundly abused and misused. More to the point, the regular medical folks are doing their best to co-opt this word. They even begin with the feeling of wellness, with Kaiser ads talking about eating broccoli and doing yoga, etc.
In Rite-Aid, you can get a "Wellness" card. And, in CVS, about the pharmacy counter, it says "Wellness Center." If the pharmacy is a wellness center, what is a Disease Center?
Wellness is being well... healthy. You don't get health by fighting disease, just like you don't get light in a room by fighting darkness. You put on the light. You turn the switch.
If your "switches" are on "off," there is no drug, no surgical procedure, that will turn those switches to "on." This is the sole province of straight Chiropractic. We do not fight or cure disease. We correct interference (vertebral subluxation) to the master system, the nervous system, and get out of the way. We do not fight the darkness. A chiropractic adjustment, in a sense, flicks the switch, allowing your light to shine through.
This is wellness.
Don Harte, D.C.
Marin Straight Chiropractor
Slayer of Subluxation
Liberator of Innate
In Rite-Aid, you can get a "Wellness" card. And, in CVS, about the pharmacy counter, it says "Wellness Center." If the pharmacy is a wellness center, what is a Disease Center?
Wellness is being well... healthy. You don't get health by fighting disease, just like you don't get light in a room by fighting darkness. You put on the light. You turn the switch.
If your "switches" are on "off," there is no drug, no surgical procedure, that will turn those switches to "on." This is the sole province of straight Chiropractic. We do not fight or cure disease. We correct interference (vertebral subluxation) to the master system, the nervous system, and get out of the way. We do not fight the darkness. A chiropractic adjustment, in a sense, flicks the switch, allowing your light to shine through.
This is wellness.
Don Harte, D.C.
Marin Straight Chiropractor
Slayer of Subluxation
Liberator of Innate
Friday, November 5, 2010
Teen suicide
This week, the Pacific Sun did a cover story on teen suicide. Sad stuff, but the usual party-line medical drivel doesn't help. In fact, it often hurts.
This is what I sent in as a letter to the editor:
Pacific Sun
Your teen suicide article struck me, in large part, as irresponsible and dogmatic.
Why advise people to get “professional help” when that help is more of a risk than help? In several places in the article, the praises of anti-depressants were sung. I know that some people don’t read the warnings that come with these allegedly safe prescribed drugs. And it seems that the so-called experts just don’t care. Their dogma is that prescribed drugs are safe and effective. This is unscientific nonsense.
Look it up! Virtually all of the anti-depressants bear warnings about suicide ideation in teenagers and young adults. Then, there is the widespread practice of loading up kids on prescribed psychotropic drugs as young as two years old… the ADHD drugs (Ritalin, Adderall, etc.) and SSRI’s (anti-depressants). By the time these poor kids are five or six, they are often diagnosed as bi-polar, and put on anti-psychotics. Does anyone have any idea what this sort of merciless chemical warfare has upon the developing brain of a child?
BEFORE the tragedy of teen suicide, parents should think twice before allowing their children’s minds to be chemically warped. Last time I looked, the brain was a part of the nervous system. I can say with 100% authority that it is infinitely safer to entrust your child’s health to a straight chiropractor, to keep that nervous system without interference, functioning at a higher, healthier level. That certainly won’t add to this teen suicide problem, and it may very well help.
Frankly, I think that the pediatricians and psychiatrists that wrote prescriptions that resulted in teen suicides out to be charged with manslaughter. At the very least, their medical licenses should go into the shredder.
That's my stand. What do you think?
Don Harte, D.C.
Marin straight chiropractor
Liberator of Innate
Slayer of Subluixation
This is what I sent in as a letter to the editor:
Pacific Sun
Your teen suicide article struck me, in large part, as irresponsible and dogmatic.
Why advise people to get “professional help” when that help is more of a risk than help? In several places in the article, the praises of anti-depressants were sung. I know that some people don’t read the warnings that come with these allegedly safe prescribed drugs. And it seems that the so-called experts just don’t care. Their dogma is that prescribed drugs are safe and effective. This is unscientific nonsense.
Look it up! Virtually all of the anti-depressants bear warnings about suicide ideation in teenagers and young adults. Then, there is the widespread practice of loading up kids on prescribed psychotropic drugs as young as two years old… the ADHD drugs (Ritalin, Adderall, etc.) and SSRI’s (anti-depressants). By the time these poor kids are five or six, they are often diagnosed as bi-polar, and put on anti-psychotics. Does anyone have any idea what this sort of merciless chemical warfare has upon the developing brain of a child?
BEFORE the tragedy of teen suicide, parents should think twice before allowing their children’s minds to be chemically warped. Last time I looked, the brain was a part of the nervous system. I can say with 100% authority that it is infinitely safer to entrust your child’s health to a straight chiropractor, to keep that nervous system without interference, functioning at a higher, healthier level. That certainly won’t add to this teen suicide problem, and it may very well help.
Frankly, I think that the pediatricians and psychiatrists that wrote prescriptions that resulted in teen suicides out to be charged with manslaughter. At the very least, their medical licenses should go into the shredder.
That's my stand. What do you think?
Don Harte, D.C.
Marin straight chiropractor
Liberator of Innate
Slayer of Subluixation
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Here's a quote from a mom, sent to the National Vaccine Information Center (www.nvic.org). Check them out. If you have a few bucks, it's a good thing to support. They are saving lives and standing up for health freedom, just like me.
"My six month old was at the end of a cold. We went to his six month appointment, and the doctor started asking about the flu shot. I said 'Well, I'm thinking of delaying all his shots until he's older and I can do more research. Plus he still has a cold and a rash so I won't be vaccinating him today anyway.' THEN I saw a side of the doctor that I've never seen before! She said that they would be releasing me (after 11 years) from the practice and all practices of the same network if I didn't vaccinate. Then she asked me if I wanted him to die, and said 'good luck' in finding someone to help him if he catches a vaccine preventable disease because the doctors all banned together and put a 'Do Not Resuscitate' on babies and kids that could have been vaccinated."
Don't you deserve a choice in your health care, and the health care of your children? Or do you believe the Doctor, or the State, can tell you what to do? (Wouldn't that get really weird in the mental health arena?) No, you don't have to choose one vs. the other. Everything should be up to you.
What do you think?
Don Harte, D.C.
Corte Madera straight chiropractor
Liberator of Innate
Slayer of Subluxation
"My six month old was at the end of a cold. We went to his six month appointment, and the doctor started asking about the flu shot. I said 'Well, I'm thinking of delaying all his shots until he's older and I can do more research. Plus he still has a cold and a rash so I won't be vaccinating him today anyway.' THEN I saw a side of the doctor that I've never seen before! She said that they would be releasing me (after 11 years) from the practice and all practices of the same network if I didn't vaccinate. Then she asked me if I wanted him to die, and said 'good luck' in finding someone to help him if he catches a vaccine preventable disease because the doctors all banned together and put a 'Do Not Resuscitate' on babies and kids that could have been vaccinated."
Don't you deserve a choice in your health care, and the health care of your children? Or do you believe the Doctor, or the State, can tell you what to do? (Wouldn't that get really weird in the mental health arena?) No, you don't have to choose one vs. the other. Everything should be up to you.
What do you think?
Don Harte, D.C.
Corte Madera straight chiropractor
Liberator of Innate
Slayer of Subluxation
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Is the FDA on drugs?
In a recent TIME magazine cover story, the latest diabetes drug disaster, wit Avadia, was covered. The name of the article was positively poetic: "IS THE FDA ON DRUGS?"
Well, the answer is "yes." You still think that they, the FDA, as part of the biiger "They," are there to protect you? Think again.
You'll never get healthy from drugs, from the Outside-in. Health only comes from Above-down, Inside-out. That's why you go to a straight chiropractor.
Yes, even with diabetes. Why not correct nerve interference, vertebral subluxation to the pancreas (and the liver and the adrenals)? Why not?
What do you think?
Don Harte, D.C.
Corte Madera straight chiropractor
Liberator of Innate
Well, the answer is "yes." You still think that they, the FDA, as part of the biiger "They," are there to protect you? Think again.
You'll never get healthy from drugs, from the Outside-in. Health only comes from Above-down, Inside-out. That's why you go to a straight chiropractor.
Yes, even with diabetes. Why not correct nerve interference, vertebral subluxation to the pancreas (and the liver and the adrenals)? Why not?
What do you think?
Don Harte, D.C.
Corte Madera straight chiropractor
Liberator of Innate
corte madera,
straight chiropractor
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